About Us



About Plasticfreeafrica


Plasticfreeafrica is one of the instrumental programme of Icenecdev dedicated to tackling plastic pollution in the Gulf of Guinea and the West Coastline of Cameroon. For the past 10 years, we’ve been at the forefront of sustainable plastic management, working collaboratively with a diverse range of stakeholders.

We actively advocate for the application and effectiveness of the Plastic Pollution Treaty in Africa, specifically focusing on the Gulf of Guinea and Cameroon’s West Coastline.

Sustainable Plastic Management is one of the instrumental programme of ICENECDEV’s in the past 10 years ,engaging stakeholders,governments, Civilsociety organisations,businesses and indigenous communities in Plastic waste collection, capacity building on plasticpollution treaty and strategies to combat plastic pollution in the gulf of Guinea and West coastline Cameroon.
Land-based sources of pollution have a major impact on planetary health and on the oceans, evidenced by the development of a Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities (GPA). Growing populations, increasingly intensive and large-scale agriculture, and booming urbanization mean a growing amount of wastewater discharge into aquatic ecosystems and nutrient runoff to waterways. Together, these lead to eutrophication, toxic algae blooms, greater incidence of water-borne disease, lowered resilience of ecosystems to environmental change, and harm to species, including humans.

Global plastic pollution by the Numbers:
– 500 billion plastic bags used each year.
– 13 million tons of plastic leak into the ocean each year.
– 17 million barrels of oil used on plastic production each year.
– 1 million plastic bottles bought every minute.
– 100,000 marine animals killed by plastics each year.
– 100 years for plastic to degrade in the environment
– 90% of bottled water found to contain plastic particles.
– 83% of tap water found to contain plastic particles
– 50% of consumer plastics are single use.
– 10% of all human-generated waste is plastic.

Our Mission

Aim: The goal of this programme is to improve plastic waste management and reduce pollution To enforce and enhance the application and implementation of the Plastic.
Project Location: Gulf of Guinea and Douala -Wouri Estuary and West Coastline

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: (+237)652-763-068